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Who am I?

My name is Alex Rehorst, and I'm currently a senior at The Prairie School. I've lived in a variety of places, including Texas, Missouri, Arizona, California, and Wisconsin. I've always had an interest in politics, likely because I was exposed to a lot of the Daily Show and Colbert Report as a child. This has since stemmed to me taking two AP history courses and government and politics in high school, and finally this capstone.  

Where I'm From

- I play trumpet and was in the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra

- I have two cats

- My favorite band is Radiohead

- I don't believe in chem trails

- Circles do not have corners

Random facts

I am enrolled and plan to attend Colorado College next fall for my next four years of acadamia. I don't really intend on pursuing politics or political science by any means, but I simply hope to keep myself educated on the matter as a voter. I hope to pursue medical school instead, and have yet to decide a major.

What's my future?
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